Online course on children and clinical research

The Nuffield Council, in collaboration with the Global Health Network, has produced the online training course Children and Clinical Research, published on the network’s Training Centre. Available in English and Spanish, the course is aimed at researchers and members...

TEDDY is now a registered network at ENCePP

TEDDY is now a registered network at ENCePP

We are happy to announce that TEDDY is a registered network at the European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (ENCePP, since September 2015. ENCePP is an initiative coordinated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) with...

Teddy Network’s activities updates – June 2015

During the Enpr-EMA seventh annual workshop, held at the EMA in London, on Thursday 28 May, 2015, it was  agreed to ask all Enpr-EMA registered networks to provide a short written paragraph with regards to any news or  achievements which each network considers as...

SAVE THE DATE- AICRO – Milan, November 12th, 2015

SAVE THE DATE- AICRO – Milan, November 12th, 2015

On November 12th, 2015 the Italian Association Contract Reseach Organisation (AICRO) will organise in Milan (Hotel Principe di Savoia) the event entitled Le “sfumature” della ricerca clinica in Italia, an entirely day dedicated to the clinical research that will...

Teddy Network’s Activities: updates for the Enpr-EMA annual workshop

While preparing the agenda items for discussion at the upcoming Enpr-EMA annual workshop, to be held at the EMA in London, on Thursday 28 May 2015, it has been agreed by the Enpr-EMA chair and co-chair to ask all Enpr-EMA registered networks to provide a short written...