SAVE THE DATE – VIII Foresight Training Course – Warsaw, September 22nd-23rd, 2015

Sep 16 2015

copertina viii ftc v3On September 22nd-23rd, 2015, the Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw (Poland) will host the VIII edition of the Foresight Training Course (FTC) entitled Regulatory And Practice In Paediatric Trials And Studies promoted by Gianni Benzi Pharmacological Research Foundation (FGB, Italy) and GRiP (Global Research in Paediatrics) – Work Package 4, led by CVBF-TEDDY.

The Foresight Training Courses are short courses for experts in the field of Regulatory Sciences that aim at contributing to high level training in order to satisfy the needs and requirements of the sector.

This FTC edition, structured into four sessions (two per day), will be focused on several issues impacting on paediatric clinical research, and in particular on the forthcoming novelties in the field: the entry into force in Europe of new rules regulating clinical research and the ongoing debate on the impact of the Paediatric Regulation after 10 years. The event will then discuss, in the framework of an international multi-stakeholders debate, the present and the future of the paediatric research including the efforts made by the scientific community and the ongoing projects such as the proposed Paediatric Research Infrastructures (EPCTRI) and the global networks.

The full programme and the Brochure of the VIII Foresight Training Course are available here.

Here you can download the registration form for the VIII Foresight Training Course; once filled in, please send back the form to

For any information about the course please contact our operational secretariat:

ROSY PIAGGIONE – • tel. +39 080 86 41 260