Many initiatives in Europe are promoting the creation and implementation of a European Paediatric Clinical Trials Centres Networks and Infrastructures. In this scenario, an online survey has been developed by several experts referring to the TEDDY Network (European Network of Excellence for Paediatric Clinical Research) with particular input from FINPEDMED (the Finnish Investigators Network for Paediatric Medicines) and in collaboration with INCiPiT (Italian Network for Paediatric Clinical Trials). It was agreed with EnprEMA (the European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency), which includes 43 paediatric networks.
The information will be used to design networks and to attract funding for national and specialty networks. The survey seeks information about the expertise of centres performing paediatric clinical trials and the services available, the equipment and the centralised services that support clinical trials in each site. The survey will be sent to sites across Europe and will map the European scenario of paediatric clinical research in the light of the potential setup of a research infrastructure for the conduction of paediatric clinical trials.
The questionnaire is composed by 60 questions, most of them are multiple-choice questions and should take about 20 minutes to be completed.
If your hospital/ research centre has experience with paediatric clinical research, please contact us at the following e-mail address: and we would be glad to send you the link to fill in the survey.