The first edition of PedCRIN newsletter

Aug 7 2017

PedCRIN (The Paediatric Clinical Research Infrastructure Network) is happy to present the first Edition of the quarterly Newsletters, intended to share all Network ongoing initiatives as well as papers and reports on activities involving paediatric research.

PedCRIN is a four-year project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme that brings together the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN) and the founding partners of the European Paediatric Clinical Trial Research Infrastructure (EPCT-RI). The aim of PedCRIN is to develop the necessary tools and capacity to enhance the quality, safety, efficacy and ethical standards of multinational, non-commercial paediatric clinical trials. PedCRIN will effectively bridge paediatricians and other partners across Europe (and internationally) in order to combine resources and expertise to conduct and manage robust studies, while minimising risk and protecting the child participants.

The PedCRIN Newsletter is available here.

For more information, please visit the official PedCRIN website .