The project ID-EPTRI (European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure), coordinated by Consorzio per Valutazioni Biologiche e Farmacologiche with the aim to design the framework of a new Paediatric Research Infrastructure and involving TEDDY Network as third party, foresees among its activities, the development of an ad hoc survey for outlining the current European scientific and technological scenario of the paediatric research.
The scope of EPTRI is to enhance technology-driven paediatric research in drug discovery and early development phases to be translated into clinical research and paediatric use of medicines. One of its first aims is to map the competences and the expertise of the paediatric research in pan-European countries. For this purpose, a specific survey has been developed and sent to about 800 experts in paediatric research.
They will provide information about their paediatric research competences and will indicate the possible gaps in the available paediatric research services and facilities that can represent an obstacle in the performance of good quality paediatric research. Overall, the EPTRI survey will be useful to identify both the scientific and technological context for paediatric research in Europe and potential service providers to be included in the future European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure.
More information are available at this link.