SIAR (Società Italiana Attività Regolatorie) in collaboration and with the patronage of AIFA (Agenzia Italiana Del Farmaco), the Benzi Foundation and Cittadinanzattiva, has organised the conference “Active participation in the processes that generate new therapies: development, evaluation and real access to dangerous treatments”. The Conference will provide the chance to discuss the theme of the patient active participation as a new strategy to promote the research and development outputs and improve the healthcare process.
The Conference will see also the participation of the KIDS Bari group, the first Italian Young Persons Advisory Group (YPAG), represented by Dr. Maria Grazia Foschino, psychologist at the Paediatric Hospital “Giovanni XXIII”, and four young members of KIDS Bari, who will describe the activities carried out so far, showing as the active contribution of the children and the paediatric patients into the care process can facilitate the work of the healthcare providers and improve the overall healthcare services for the paediatric population.
KIDS Bari, kicked off in June 2017, has been promoted by Consorzio per Valutazioni Biologiche e Farmacologiche (CVBF) and the TEDDY Network (European Network of Excellence for Paediatic Clinical Research) in collaboration with the Paediatric Hospital “Giovanni XXIII”. A new group in Albania named KIDS Albania, has been launched in September 2017 in collaboration with the Albanian Branch office of CVBF and the University Hospital Mother Teresa.
Both the YPAGs are currently going through a dense training program that foresees lectures on five main pillars: biomedicine, basic research, clinical research, humanization of healthcare. Youths are also involved in some advisory activities that give them the possibility to provide their opinion on the comprehensibility of surveys and consent/assent forms for children.
Participation to the Conference is free, however for organizational reasons it is necessary to send an e-mail by Monday 2 July confirming the participation to