SAVE THE DATE. 11 September 2018, London. Workshop on Improving the Administration of Paediatric Oral Liquid Medicines using Dosing Syringes and Enteral Accessories

SAVE THE DATE. 11 September 2018, London. Workshop on Improving the Administration of Paediatric Oral Liquid Medicines using Dosing Syringes and Enteral Accessories

The European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI) will hold a workshop on 11th September 2018 at the University College London (UCL) School of Pharmacy on the theme “Improving the administration of paediatric oral liquid medicines using dosing syringes and enteral accessories”. The meeting intends to promote the discussion on the current challenges and the potential improvements in the development, control and utilization of oral dosing syringes and enteral accessories for paediatric liquid medicines. The aim of the workshop is to facilitate the establishment of an optimal path towards the correct oral dosing of all paediatric patients with dosing syringes and enteral accessories, that meets all the requirements. A broad range of stakeholders, including patients/caregivers, healthcare professionals and practitioners, regulators and representatives from the pharmaceutical industry, drug delivery device suppliers and academia, as well as representatives from national competent authorities and EU institutions are invited to the workshop.

You can find further information on the event and the programme at this link.

August 28th, 2018|