COMING SOON. DIA Europe 2020, 17th-19th March 2020, Brussels

DIA (Drug Information Association) bring together its members to collaborate on and discuss global and local challenges facing the life sciences field in an increasingly more complex and interconnected world. DIA Europe 2020 is the largest and most forward-looking...

COMING SOON. RESTORE Momentum Workshop, 17th February 2020, Berlin

On 17th February 2020 the RESTORE Momentum Workshop will take place in Berlin and will welcome RESTORE supporters and partners. TEDDY Network is involved in RESTORE as supporter, a large-scale Research Initiative with the scope to create a consortium aimed to build a...

FDA approves voxelotor for sickle cell disease

FDA approves voxelotor for sickle cell disease

On November 25th, 2019, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted accelerated approval to voxelotor (Oxbryta, Global Blood Therapeutics) for adults and paediatric patients 12 years of age older with sickle cell disease (SCD). SCD is a lifelong inherited blood...

Vincristine shortage: an overview on the current European situation

Vincristine shortage: an overview on the current European situation

Over the last months, a worrying shortage in the production and distribution of vincristine has affected the health marketplace across the world. Vincristine is an antineoplastic drug, a natural extract from the periwinkle (Cantharanthus roseus, formerly Vinca rosea),...

A new year of activities for KIDS Bari and KIDS Albania has started

A new year of activities for KIDS Bari and KIDS Albania has started

We are happy to announce that even this year the youths of KIDS Bari and KIDS Albania have kicked off their activities aimed to promote the involvement of young persons and patients in the research and clinical fields strongly favouring the achievement of goals in the...