On 29th March 2019 the TEDDY Network General Assembly 2019 took place at Ministry of Health, Consumption and Social Welfare in Madrid. The meeting was the occasion to renew the interest and commitment of TEDDY partners and participants in TEDDY activities and to reopen useful discussion on mission, vision and governance model of this first multinational paediatric Research Network in EU into the changed scenario of Paediatric Research.
After a first overview about the activities carried out and the outcomes achieved in the last year by TEDDY Network and by its Working Groups (WG), the meeting was dedicated to the description and discussion of the collaborative projects in which TEDDY is currently involved in the landscape of the Paediatric Medicines, such as RESTORE, a large-scale research initiative on ATMPs in which TEDDY Network has the status of ‘Supporter’, the PedCRIN project and the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases – EJPRD.
A session was also dedicated to the activities and proposals from TEDDY Spain partners including the description of the Spain situation about the authorised Paediatric Clinical Trials, the Spanish HIV HGM Paediatric BioBank and a talk about cell and advanced therapies for children with cancer and the hospital facility set up in the University Hospital La Paz to produce engineering immune cells.
Finally, a round table was held in order to discuss about TEDDY mission, role, organizational model in the current framework of paediatric research.
All the presentations and the report of the Assembly is available at this link.