TEDDY is a new member of (Enpr-EMA) Coordinating Group

TEDDY is a new member of (Enpr-EMA) Coordinating Group

We are happy to announce that TEDDY became a member of Enpr-EMA Coordinating Group. The European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency (Enpr-EMA) is a network of research networks, investigators and centres with recognised expertise in performing clinical studies in children. Enpr-EMA is governed by a coordinating group which sets the network’s long- and short-term strategy. It also sets up ad-hoc working groups to work on priority tasks set by the coordinating group following Enpr-EMA’s annual workshops. In particular, TEDDY is involved in different EnprEMA WGs:

  • WG on clinical trial preparedness
  • WG on ethics
  • WG on young patient advisory groups
  • WG on educational training for research staff on paediatric clinical trials
  • WG on off-label use in paediatrics

For more information about the goals and mission of EnprEMA WGs, click here.

May 4th, 2020|