TEDDY Publication. Ethical, legal and regulatory issues of paediatric translational research call for an adequate model of governance. European Journal of Health Law. May 2020.

TEDDY Publication. Ethical, legal and regulatory issues of paediatric translational research call for an adequate model of governance. European Journal of Health Law. May 2020.

We are pleased to inform you that the article “Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Issues of Paediatric Translational Research. Call for an Adequate Model of Governance” has been published on the European Journal of Health Law. The authors, Annagrazia Altavilla, Viviana Giannuzzi, Mariangela Lupo, Donato Bonifazi and Adriana Ceci, after having clarified the concept of translational research in the perspective of the establishment of a European paediatric research infrastructure (EPTRI), identified and pointed out ethical, legal and regulatory issues particularly relevant in a children’s rights perspective. They underlined the need to set up an adequate model of governance within EPTRI, including adequate and independent ethical oversight and a pluridisciplinary common service dealing with ethical, legal and societal issues relevant for children.

The article is available at this link.

June 26th, 2020|