TEDDY involvement in the EPTRI Italian node

Dec 1 2020

The first General Assembly of the EPTRI (European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure) Italian Node (EPTRI-IT) was held online on October 28th, 2020. The 3 hours meeting was attended by more than 60 representatives coming from the 24 Italian Institutions – members of the Node.

TEDDY is pleased to announce its involvement in EPTRI-IT that will be organised as a Joint Research Unit (JRU), coordinated by Consorzio per Valutazioni Biologiche e Farmacologiche (CVBF) together with Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) and the Italian Network for Paediatric Clinical Trials (INCiPiT) which will be respectively in charge of the general management and of chairmanship of the two decisional boards: the General Assembly (GA) and the Scientific Committee (SC). Adriana Ceci was named as Chair of EPTRI-IT Scientific Committees while Annagrazia Altavilla, Oscar Della Pasqua and Mariagrazia Felisi will be involved in the Scientific Committee as TEDDY representatives.

TEDDY involvement is foreseen in further EPTRI Nodes of the Countries where the Network operates actively.

More information is available at this link.