TEDDY comments to the EU Strategy for International Cooperation in R&I

Apr 20 2021

On April 9th 2021, TEDDY network provided its feedback to the European Commission public consultation on the revision of the Europe’s strategy for international cooperation in research and innovation.

The current strategy for international cooperation on research and innovation between Europe and the rest of the world was set out in a Commission Communication in 2012. In the light of geopolitical changes, the COVID-19 crisis and the Recovery Plan, the Commission decided to revise the strategy for international cooperation in Research and Innovation, with the support of education and youth.

The aim of the Commission is to provide a strategic approach to the European Union’s global interests in relation to research and innovation, in light of new challenges. The new strategy will be delivered through policy and programme interventions, which need to be coordinated between the Member States, where most international cooperation takes place, and the Union.

The following main points have been highlighted by TEDDY to be taken into account in the new EU strategy:

  • International cooperation to foster ethical standards and fundamental rights to be promoted at

international level.

  • Strengthening youth participation and empowerment of youth people in accordance with international fundamental rights instruments and the EU Youth Strategy.
  • Programmes and initiatives addressed to young people should be funded and promoted at international level. Specific programmes should be devoted to healthcare and biomedical research.
  • Multi-level governance promoting the participation of young people in political and decision-making processes.
  • Young Patients Advocacy Groups value and activities should be promoted through enhanced cooperation among Member States and third countries.

TEDDY network supports the implementation of an open and fair international cooperation on research, innovation and education focused on youth expectancies and needs, in compliance with fundamental/children rights (e.g. right to a high level of human health protection, right of access to preventive health care and to benefit from medical treatment, data protection, interdiction of discrimination, right to equality of treatment of European citizens best interest of the child, evolving capacities, rights to be heard).

This Commission Communication is part of the Initiative on the EU’s new global approach to research, innovation, education and young people in the light of the Commission’s strategic priorities for economic recovery and for making Europe stronger in the world.

TEDDY comments are available at the following link.