TEDDY feedback to the Evaluation and revision of the general pharmaceutical legislation

Apr 28 2021

As part of the EU pharmaceuticals strategy, and drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission launched an inception impact assessment to evaluate and revise the EU’s general legislation on medicines for human use to ensure a future-proof and crisis-resistant medicines regulatory system.

TEDDY Network participated to the consultation providing its comments to be considered when defining objectives and policy options of the whole Pharmaceutical Policy.

TEDDY underlined that underlined that a patient-centred strategy should include measures covering adults and children of any age, race, and sex, according to the principle of the equality of treatment and suggested to incorporate in the Pharmaceutical Strategy the Paediatric and Orphan medicines issues and to highlight that all the challenges in the general context are also present in the paediatric and orphan fields.

Moreover, shortage of medicines in Europe has increased the risk of undercure all patients affected by COVID-19 and its complications and should be strongly reduced. In case of children the situation is even more challenging due to the chronic shortage of appropriate treatments. The lack of appropriate medicines for children should be assumed in terms of industrial strategy. In this view, TEDDY proposed that at least 30% of pharma industry investments, supported within the EU Pharmaceutical Strategy, should be dedicated to investing in paediatric medicines development.

Read the TEDDY comments here.