Third Paediatric Expert Patients Training Workshop

Apr 26 2023

TEDDY is organising the “Third Paediatric Expert Patients Training Workshopin collaboration with EURORDIS and the Sant Joan de Déu Research Foundation in the framework of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJPRD).  

This year, the paediatric training workshop will take place in Barcelona, Spain, from Wednesday 21st to Friday 23rd June 2023

This course is devoted to 15 paediatric patients in Europe, so all the adolescents aged from 12 to 18 interested in the themes of health, biomedical research, healthcare, and children rights or a patient with a chronic rare disease interested in getting the skills to contribute to develop and shape research making it more suitable for children, can apply.

This course aims at making young paediatric patients ready to actively participate in scientific research and play an important role in improving research and healthcare services for all patients by contributing with your own specific experience. 

The workshops will be performed in English and delivered by paediatricians, investigators, psychologists, representatives of patients’ associations, YPAGs facilitators, legal, ethical and regulatory experts. The participants will learn through case studies, practical activities & discussions in order to make the comprehension of the topics presented easier and to assess if the expected objectives are reached. 

The deadline for sending applications is May 14th 2023.

Information about the REGISTRATION and the preliminary programme can be accessed here, on the EJP RD website.