The last press release published by EMA (European Medicines Agency) on December 15th, 2017, reports some important highlights from the Management Board meeting about Brexit preparation and the adoption of the work programme for 2018.
EMA now has just over 15 months to prepare for the move and take up its new seat in Amsterdam by 30 March 2019 at the latest. A delegation from the Dutch government attended part of the Management Board meeting. The Dutch government has identified a temporary premise to EMA from 1 January 2019 for an interim period until the tailor-made Vivaldi building will be ready.
Moreover, the Board adopted the work programme for 2018 and the budget for 2018-2019. EMA’s preparations for the UK’s withdrawal from the EU will impact on the activities of the Agency. In the discussion about the Agency’s work programme, it was highlighted that EMA will be able to maintain its core activities although EMA will have to temporarily reduce or suspend activities in other areas.
Moreover, the press release states that the Agency is working hard in collaboration with Member States, stakeholders and the developers to deliver a functional EU clinical trial portal and database to support the needs of EU clinical research, and to have the Clinical Trial Regulation enter in operation as soon as practicable.
More information is available here.