In 2017, TEDDY has assumed a legal status to be fully represented and consolidated in the paediatric research community framework, to actively take part in new EU projects and to have a well-identified role.
TEDDY Network, funded in 2005 as a Network of Excellence within the European Union Sixth Framework Programme, was further renewed at the end of the 5-years funding period, continuing to provide its contribution on a voluntary basis with valuable and internationally recognized efforts offered by its members’ resources and with many partners collaborating on a case-by-case basis.
Currently, to consolidate the work carried out up to date as well as to expand the future perspectives of the Network, its Boards have taken the initiative to provide TEDDY with an autonomous legal status. This will valorize the results and keep on the activities of TEDDY in its role of category 1 Network Member of Enpr-EMA (the European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency). A new Statute has also been prepared, allowing the adhesion of natural and legal persons within two categories of members: Ordinaries (legal entities contributing to the activities and assuring extraordinary voluntary contribution) and Supporters (physical persons participating to the collaborative groups and paying the association fee, annually established by the Assembly). Furthermore, the statute defines the Association Bodies and their responsibilities:
- The General Assembly that is the sovereign body of the TEDDY Network and consists of all the associated natural persons and legal representatives or their delegates of the associated legal persons.
- The Board of Directors composed of a minimum of 3 and maximum 7 members elected by the Assembly among its components.
- The Scientific Coordination Committee set up to coordinate the scientific activities of the Network, composed of at least 3 members appointed by the General Assembly.
- The Strategic Planning Board, an advisory body whose purpose is to ensure consistency between the objectives of the TEDDY Network and the issues currently being discussed in the field of pediatric research.
- Advisory Group of kids, which may also be briefly referred to as “TEDDY Kids” and composed of 5 or more individuals aged 12 to 18, both patients and non-patients, recruited by the associated partners and selected based on their motivation and interest in clinical research.
This new opportunity represents for TEDDY the beginning of a new era in which it can confirm its key role in the field of the paediatric research, opening to new collaboration and initiatives.