On 22nd May 2018, the Third National Clinical Trial Day was held in Prague under the auspices of the Vice-chairman of the Committee on Health and Social Policy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, with the cooperation of Czech Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (CZECRIN) and PharmAround. In this occasion, TEDDY has been invited to participate and to present its activities in enhancing good quality paediatric research and promoting the development of medicines tailored for children.
Moreover, the activities performed by the children of the Young Persons Advisory Groups (YPAGs), KIDS Bari and KIDS Albania, promoted by TEDDY in collaboration with CVBF and the paediatric hospitals in Bari and Tirana have been described.
KIDS Bari has been launched on 7 June 2017 and it is composed of about 25 adolescents, age range 12 and 17 years, both including young patients and healthy youths. The YPAG is not associated with a particular health condition or disease. Members have been recruited through hospitals, patient’s associations, schools, associations, and friends of the patients and they have been selected according to their motivation and interest in improving health research. Generally, the group meets every 4-5 weeks and follows a training course aimed to provide the youths with information about medical research. The training, in fact, will be always a fundamental aspect in the development of the KIDS Bari activities.
In the same way, KIDS Albania has been launched in September 2017. The members are following a similar training programme, considered a fundamental aspect in the development of the KIDS activities.
All these activities have been illustrated in order to encourage the development of initiatives aimed to promote children active involvement also in Czech clinical research system.