On 7th-8th June 2018, the European Network of Paediatric Research at EMA (Enpr-EMA) will hold its tenth annual workshop, bringing relevant stakeholders together to discuss requirements, barriers and opportunities for the conduct of high-quality clinical studies in children. This year, TEDDY will have the pleasure to participate to this important event and discuss the perspectives of the network and the paediatric research. The overall theme of this year’s workshop will be a “holistic approach to paediatric research” and it will be the occasion to present the latest developments of Enpr-EMA activities to foster high-quality research in the area of paediatric medicine.
The first day of the workshop will be open to all stakeholders including patient/parent organisations, regulators, Enpr-EMA network representatives, academia, clinical investigators and representatives from pharmaceutical industry for paediatric studies.
The second day of the workshop is reserved for discussions among the members of Enpr-EMA and its coordinating group. The coordinating group will define priority tasks for 2018–19 based on the feedback received from stakeholders.
The workshop will provide the chance to discuss some critical aspects concerning the conduct of high-quality paediatric clinical studies (duplication of trials, communication improvement) and which are the challenges of clinical trials in (ultra) rare diseases.
You can find further information here.