On 6 and 7 May 2019, the RESTORE Kick-Off meeting will take place in Berlin, Germany. The meeting will provide the occasion to put together the RESTORE community and share the future plans and common perspectives. The large-scale Research Initiative “RESTORE” is a consortium aimed to build a coordinated, financially strong, academia-industry partnership in order to tackle the main interdisciplinary science and technology challenges for advanced and innovative health therapies.
Few weeks ago, on February 8th, the European Commission announced that RESTORE will receive initial funding of EUR 1m and invited the consortium to fully develop their concept and to further expand the community that strives to propel Europe to the forefront in Advanced Therapies.
TEDDY Network has been involved in the initiative as supporter, offering a formal encouragement to this initiative that put together more than 250 stakeholders from basic and clinical science, industry, non-profit organizations and patient advocates throughout Europe. TEDDY fully recognises the urgent need to develop Advanced Therapies and believes the power of a well-funded and coordinated action to have a profound impact on Europe´s society and economy and, indeed, beyond.