Ensuring high-quality ethical research on the safety and efficacy of medicines for children represents one of the main objectives of the paediatric sector!
However, there are no summary data in the public domain about the capacity and competence of European paediatric centres to carry out research studies. To this end, the TEDDY Network developed and piloted a survey, whose results are described in the article “Survey by TEDDY European Network of Excellence for Paediatric Clinical Research demonstrates potential for Europe‐wide trials” prepared by Lucia Ruggieri from the Gianni Benzi Foundation in collaboration with other TEDDY representatives and published on the Acta Paediatrica Journal.
The paper presents the results of the survey. 63 centers around Europe provided data on their experiences and expertise in paediatric clinical trials. Four groups of performance indicators were identified, referring to scientific experience, trial readiness, trial competence, regulatory issues, ethics and patients. This pilot survey demonstrated that there is potential for performing paediatric trials across Europe, but improvements are possible.
You can find the article here.