EPTRI Open Meeting – find out the future frontiers of the paediatric research

EPTRI Open Meeting – find out the future frontiers of the paediatric research

The EPTRI Open Meeting on April 2-3 April 2020, due to Covid-19 outbreak, was run online. EPTRI is an EU funded project coordinated by CVBF and aimed to design the framework for a new infrastructure dedicated to paediatric research that will work to accelerate a technology-driven paediatric medicines development processes from drug discovery and early development phases to be translated into clinical phases and medicines uses.

Through also the launch of a call for abstracts, the meeting gave to the researchers the possibility to express their interest to participate to EPTRI development event and it has been a crucial occasion to sum up the activities and the goals achieved as well as to define the challenges of the future EPTRI’s work.

The recordings of the event, the presentations as well as the videos of the selected oral and poster presentations of the Call for Abstracts are published on the EPTRI YouTube channel and on the EPTRI website in the dedicated page of the EPTRI Open meeting at this link.

May 4th, 2020|