TEDDY new identity and governance

TEDDY new identity and governance

We are happy to present you the last novelty on TEDDY identity and governance. A new statute, indeed, has been approved by its associated members, foreseeing novelties in TEDDY identity and governance. The first news is related to the mission, oriented towards an integrated work with subjects involved in paediatric drugs development processes and aimed to contribute to the implementation of paediatric initiatives mainly by:

  • raising and analysing children diseases specificities and unmet needs with a multidisciplinary approach
  • identifying and taking part to initiatives on safe and cost effective use of health products in children
  • promoting integration of basic and developmental research with clinical research to accelerate the availability of paediatric medicines, devices and innovative therapies on the market
  • addressing ethical, legal, social and regulatory issues of research, from the preclinical phase to clinical evaluations and medicines utilization, access policies and education.

Moreover, a change in the TEDDY Governance has been carried out, with the set up of four TEDDY Bodies:

  • General Assembly, consisting of all the associates natural persons and legal representatives or their delegates of the associates legal persons and convened at least once a year by the Chair of the Board of Directors
  • Board of Directors, composed of a minimum of 3 and maximum 9 members elected by the Assembly among its components with the aim to establish relationships with relevant Institutions and stakeholders and to monitor all the scientific aspects of the Network
  • Chair, elected by the Assembly within the members of the Board of Directors, which is the legal representative of the Association
  • Young Persons Advisory Group, which may also be briefly referred to as “TEDDY Kids”, is composed of at least 5 individuals, both patients and non-patients, that are at the same time members of existing YPAGs in different countries.

This new face of TEDDY is consolidated also through a new name, witnessing its wider mission and goals: TEDDY European Network of Excellence for Paediatric Research.

Find out the new Statute here.


May 4th, 2020|