TEDDY is always proactive in addressing ethical, legal, social and regulatory issues of paediatric research, enhancing the awareness of the main stakeholders on the still unmet needs and peculiarities of children. TEDDY has participated in several European initiatives aimed at promoting the engagement of children and young patients in decisions regarding their health both in research and healthcare settings.
In the past months, Annagrazia Altavilla, our Chair, has participated in a series of Conferences, namely:
- International Conference “Children’s rights in Biomedicine. Protection from scientific risk and uncertainty in pursuit of the highest attainable standard of health”, held on September 12th and 13th 2022 at University of Uppsala (Sweden),
- General Assembly of the European Joint Project on Rare Diseases (EJP RD), held on September 13-15th , 2022, at Fundação Eng. António de Almeida in Porto (Portugal),
- Europe Biobank Week Roadshow – organized by ESBB and BBMRI-ERIC, dedicated to Paediatric (research) biobanking and held on 13th and 14th October 2022 at the Paediatric Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome (Italy),
- New Horizons in paediatric drug development organised by Astrazeneca & Certara October 27-28 (on-line).
In these conferences, our Chair presented the activities and good practices developed by TEDDY, with participatory methodology, to empower and enhance children’s collective and individual participation in biomedical field.
TEDDY Network will continue to be engaged in working to empower the paediatric population and to push for better and safer therapies for children as well as in promoting good practices developed with TEDDY Kids in compliance with children rights.
More information about TEDDY Network activities is available here.