
SAVE THE DATE. Europe Biobank Week 2019. A poster on #wecare project and patients engagement will be presented

The usual appointment with the European Biobank Week (EBW) this year will be held in Lübeck, Germany, from October 8 until 11. TEDDY European Network of Excellence for Paediatric Clinical Research will be part to the event, presenting a poster entitled “#wecare_ye project: a new EU initiative to promote the paediatric patients engagement”, showing the

September 30th, 2019|

SAVE THE DATE. “Shaping the Future of Paediatrics”, organized by Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital in Rome

On 2th-4th October 2019 Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital in partnership with the International Society of Pediatric Innovation (iSPI) will organise the Conference “Shaping the Future of Paediatrics” at Centro Congressi Piazza di Spagna in Rome. The Conference will feature demo sessions on innovation in paediatrics and speeches about 5 main topics: Advances in clinical paediatrics

September 30th, 2019|

A draft framework about paediatric clinical trial preparedness has been published by Enpr-EMA and is open for public consultation

The recommendations by the Enpr-EMA working group on trial preparedness have now been published and are available at this link. Stakeholders are invited to submit comments to by 15 November 2019. The document has been linked and highlighted on the EMA’s stakeholder landing pages, and disseminated to relevant EMA contacts. You are encouraged to

September 30th, 2019|

Have a look at the report of Nuffield Council on Bioethics: a focus on the ethical issues related to children in clinical research

Which role should children play in research decisions? Which are the responsibilities of the researchers who invite children and young people to take part in research? These are only two issues addressed by the report released by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, entitled “Children and clinical research: ethical issues” and available at this link. The

September 27th, 2019|

TEDDY participated to the EU public consultation on HORIZON EUROPE

The European Commission is preparing for the crucial phases of the implementation of Horizon Europe (HE), the next EU research and innovation programme (2021-2027) with a proposed budget of 100 billion. In view of an intensive co-design approach, the Commission has launched an online consultation to collect inputs from across Europe and beyond about the

September 27th, 2019|

c4c (conect4children) database: be part of the c4c pool of expert patients!

c4c (conect4children) is a large collaborative European network that aims to facilitate the development of new drugs and other therapies for the entire paediatric population. In this sense, the voices of children, young people and their families are a pivotal part of the innovative approach of c4c project. It places patients at the centre and

September 27th, 2019|

TEDDY will participate in RESTORE 1st Advanced Therapies Science Meeting (ATSM)

On 25 and 26 November 2019, the First Advanced Therapies Science Meeting (ATSM) will be held in Berlin and will be organised within the framework of the international project RESTORE-Health by Advanced Therapies. The event will provide the occasion to discuss and deepen the current challenges slowing the development of curative treatments and what are

September 27th, 2019|

SAVE THE DATE: XII Foresight Training Course – “Innovative Medicine and Research: Ethical, Legal and Regulatory Issues”. 7th Conference of the European Association of Health law. 27th September 2019, Toulouse (France)

On 27 September 2019, the XII Foresight Training Course will take place in Toulouse (France) and will foresee the workshop “Innovative medicine and research: ethical, legal and regulatory issues”. The event is organised by Fondazione per la Ricerca Farmacologica Gianni Benzi Onlus and will be held within the 7th European Association on Health Law (EAHL)

July 29th, 2019|

SAVE THE DATE. 28th ERTC Workshop “A New PARADIGM of Meaningful Patient Engagement in the Life Cycle of Medicines” 15th October 2019, Barcelona, Spain

EURORDIS – Rare Disease Europe will organise the 28th EURORDIS Round Table of Companies Workshop on 15 October 2019 at the Hospital Sant Pau Recinte Modernista in Barcelona, Spain. The workshop entitled “A new PARADIGM of Meaningful Patient Engagement in the Life Cycle of Medicines” will provide the occasion to understand which good practices EURORDIS promotes

July 26th, 2019|