
Monothematic Conference “Clinical Trials and off-label in paediatrics: towards the precision medicine”. 26 October, 2018, Trieste

The Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF), in collaboration with the University of Trieste and Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a carattere scientifico “Burlo Garofalo” of Trieste, organised the Monothematic Conference  “Clinical Trials and off-label in paediatrics: towards the precision medicine” on 26 October 2018 in Trieste (Italy). In the Organizing Committee of the Conference the

October 30th, 2018|

A member of TEDDY Ethics working group is part of EPTRI Ethical Advisory Board

Annagrazia Altavilla, Lawyer and Professor at Espace Ethique Méditerranéen at Aix-Marseille Université, and coordinator of the TEDDY Working group on Ethical Issues in paediatric research, has been invited to be part of the Ethical Advisory Board (EAB) setup within the framework of the European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure (EPTRI). EPTRI is a European funded project

October 30th, 2018|

European Medicines Agency and European Commission (DG Health and Food Safety) published an action plan on paediatrics

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) have published a joint action plan to support the development of medicines for children in Europe. The action plan addresses challenges identified by the European Commission’s ten-year report on the implementation of the Paediatric Legislation and takes also

October 30th, 2018|

KIDS Albania: the activities restarted in September 2018

On 6th September, the activities of KIDS Albania restarted with a meeting at the Faculty of Technical Medical Sciences of the University of Tirana. This first meeting provided the occasion to discuss the outcomes of the 2018 iCAN Research and Advocacy Summit held on 9-13 July in Edinburgh, which 6 members of KIDS Albania took

October 25th, 2018|

TEDDY at the EFGCP & DIA Better Medicine for Children Conference 2018

On 25 and 26 October 2018, the Joint EFGCP & DIA Conference took place in Brussels and as per tradition was organised by the Children Medicines Working Party of EFGCP (European Forum for Good Clinical Practise) in collaboration with DIA (Drug Information Association) and Regulators. The event was the occasion to take stock of the

October 25th, 2018|

Warsaw, 29-30 November 2018. KIDS Bari representatives will participate in SMART Open workshop – Paediatric Foresight Training Course.

  KIDS Bari, the first Italian Young Persons Advisory Group (YPAG), has been invited to participate in the SMART Open workshop – Paediatric Foresight Training Course, that will take place in Warsaw on 29 and 30 November 2018. The workshop will be realised in the framework of SMART – Small Medicines Advanced Research Training, a

October 25th, 2018|

TEDDY Network working group of Paediatric off-label. An update

The TEDDY Network promotes the paediatric pharmacological research as well as adequate health policies, also through the actions of its Working Groups (WGs), addressing the most important needs of the paediatric research and providing open areas of discussion on specific topics of interest in the paediatric field. Considering the high relevance of the topic of

October 25th, 2018|

A new corporate website for the European Medicines Agency

A new version of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) corporate website has been launched in September 2018, providing a number of new features to improve user experience, including: an improved search, allowing users to find content easily and to filter their search results. EMA plans to further refine this functionality in the future; a ‘responsive’

October 11th, 2018|