Since 2017, TEDDY Network has assumed an autonomous legal status to valorize the results and keep on the activities of the TEDDY NoE. Through an autonomous representativeness, it is possible for the Network to strengthen its position in the European paediatric research community as well as increase the participation of its Members actively taking part in new European projects.
Here you can find the TEDDY statute that allows the adhesion to TEDDY Network of natural and legal persons within two categories of members:
Ordinary members: the physical persons participating to the network activities
Supporters: legal entities contributing to the network activities.
All legal and physical persons, sharing the TEDDY aims, presenting the request and accepting the TEDDY statute and the internal regulation, can be associated.
Moreover, within TEDDY Network actions, seven ad hoc working groups (WG) were set up and tasked with addressing the most important needs of the paediatric research. The purpose of the WGs is to develop pragmatic responses and tools for and define best practices in paediatric medicines development in Europe.
In particular, the WGs are:
WG 1: European Paediatric Medicines Database (EPMD)
WG 2: Off-label medicines uses mitigation in paediatrics
WG 3: Paediatric Research Methodologies and Procedures
WG 4: Parmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance
WG 5: Children empowerment and engagement
Any research centres and groups willing to be engaged in the development of clinical research can join the TEDDY Network by filling in the correct association form and sending it to
Form for Ordinary members
Form for Supporters
Moreover, it is possible to express the interest to adhere to one or more TEDDY Working Group, by filling in the form and sending it to