KIDS Albania and KIDS Bari participation in the 2022 iCAN Summit

Sep 12 2022

TEDDY Network’s young persons advisory groups (YPAG) from Albania (KIDS Albania) and Bari (KIDS Bari) have joined the 2022 International Children’s Advisory Network (iCAN) Summit that was held in-person last July 11th-15th in Lyon, France. 

During these intense and productive 5 days of meeting, which was totally devoted to Rare Diseases (RDs), participants had the great opportunity to learn more about RDs and their scientific aspects, ethics, research, innovation as well as the importance of advocacy groups and the difficulties of living with a chronic disorder.  

KIDS Albania and KIDS Bari have gained some knowledge on Drug Development and additional data on drugs, research, and clinical trials related to RDs. 

KIDS were actively involved in several practical initiatives and worked on the conception and development of a serious game.

Moreover, they learned about Animation and Storytelling and reviewed paediatric clinical trial materials to provide constructive suggestions to make them more useful and comprehensible. They provided detailed indications to increase the understanding of research and its process for children and their parents.  

The sessions, held at the University of Lyon and at the Groupement Hospitalier Est – HCL, were highly interactive allowing the participation of all the young attendants and the gathering of ideas to improve paediatric clinical research.  and . Our guys could attend many cultural activities, including a monument scavenger hunt and a special Bastille Day celebration with dinner and dancing. 

More information about this event is available here 

See below the poster presented by our kids: