TEDDY Network was been recognized Network of Excellence (NoE) in 2005, when it was arisen from the Task-force in Europe for Drug Development for the Young, a consortium funded as TEDDY project (LSHB-CT-2005-005216) within the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission and responding to a call aimed at “ structuring efforts devoted to the development of medicines tailored for children”.
Between 2005-2010, the FP6 TEDDY project played a critical role in the start-up of paediatric activities in Europe, in parallel with the introduction of the new European Paediatric Regulation.
At the end of the 5-years funding period, the consortium was further renewed and kept on operating as an independent multisciplinary, multinational network including 50 members in 20 EU and non-EU countries and reaching several goals in the field of the paediatric research promotion.
In 2014, TEDDY became a category 1 (previously category 4) network member of Enpr-EMA, the European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency (EMA), continuing to raise awareness in the European research framework on the social utility of the paediatric medicines development.
In 2017, TEDDY Network assumed a legal status to be fully represented in the European paediatric research framework and consolidate its role in the European research community as well as enlarge the participation of its Members taking part in new European projects.