In July 2017, the Article “Tuberculosis treatment for children: An update” has been published on-line in “Anales de Pediatría” Journal. The publication reports the updated international guidelines for the management of paediatric Tuberculosis (TB) in Spain, reviewed...
A recent publication appeared in BMJ Paediatrics Open 2017 provides a comprehensive overview about the roles and training of paediatric research nurses working across Europe
The article “Investigating the roles and training of paediatric research nurses working across Europe: a questionnaire-based survey”, aimed to identify potential training needs and compare the roles of research nurses across specialties and countries, has been...
An innovative approach for the patient involvement in the paediatric clinical research: eYPAGnet
Over the last years, a Europe-wide trend towards a patient-focused approach and the involvement of patients is developing and is influencing the decision-making process related to the clinical research. Patients involvement in paediatric clinical trials is recognized...
TEDDY promotes its collaborative groups aimed at favouring paediatric clinical research
The TEDDY network is working to launch a series of collaborative operating groups, focused on the most relevant topics of paediatric clinical research. This action is intended to convey the Network expertise and experience to deliver useful instruments for the...
2005-2014 Prospective Study on Human metapnuemovirus (HMPV) Infections in Hospitalized Children – A recent publication on PLoS ONE Journal
The Article “Human metapnuemovirus infections in hospitalized children and comparison with other respiratory viruses. 2005-2014 prospective study”, has been published in PLoS ONE 2017. Among the authors, Cristina Calvo participated in the study on behalf of Hospital...
Pubblication on “Pattern of complications and burden of disease in patients affected by beta thalassemia major”
Despite the correct application of blood transfusions and chelation treatments, beta thalassemia patients have many complications. Systematic population analyses on types and frequency of these complications are very few. An article entitled “Pattern of complications...
Save the date – Second paediatric strategy forum, London, 13-14 November, 2017
The Second paediatric strategy forum, Medicinal Product Development for Mature B cell Malignancies in Children, jointly organised by ACCELERATE and the European Medicines Agency (EMA), will be held in London at the EMA premises on 13 and 14 November, 2017. The event...

Towards better medicines for children: PedCRIN project builds research infrastructure
PARIS (31 January 2017) – The European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN) has announced the launch of the Paediatric Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (PedCRIN). The three-year project brings together ECRIN and the founding partners of the...
TEDDY Survey for the mapping of centres dealing with paediatric clinical research has been launched!
Many initiatives in Europe are promoting the creation and implementation of a European Paediatric Clinical Trials Centres Networks and Infrastructures. In this scenario, an online survey has been developed by several experts referring to the TEDDY Network (European...
SAVE THE DATE- AICRO – “Clinical research in Italy: how to make it competitive in a globalised world”, Milan, November 17th, 2016
On November 17th, 2016 the Italian Association of Contract Research Organisations (AICRO) will organise in Milan (Hotel Hi l t o n M i l a n - Via Galvani 12), the event entitled “Clinical research in Italy: how to make it competitive in a globalised world”. Also this...