TEDDY General Assembly

TEDDY General Assembly

A new phase for paediatric clinical research:

a role play for TEDDY?

January 14th, 2018

Hotel Ripa Roma
Via degli Orti di Trastevere, 3
Rome – Italy

The TEDDY Network of Excellence arose from the Task-force in Europe for Drug Development for the Young, a consortium funded in 2005 as a Network of Excellence within the EC Sixth Framework Programme with the aim to favour the integration of the paediatric pharmacological research activities, the

implementation of adequate health policies and the social awareness on the importance of the paediatric medicines across Europe covering different specialties.

At the end of the 5-years funding period, the TEDDY Network was further renewed and is still running today on a voluntary basis with valuable and internationally recognised efforts provided by its members’ resources, with many partners collaborating on a case by case basis.

To consolidate the work carried out up to date as well as to expand the future perspective of the Network, CVBF has taken the initiative to provide TEDDY with an autonomous legal status. This will allow the Network to be fully represented and consolidated in the European paediatric research community framework, to actively take part in new EU projects and to have a well identified role as an International subject.

A new Statute has also been prepared, allowing the adhesion of both persons and institutions interested in continuing TEDDY activities and some operating groups have been improved and/or created.

Providing TEDDY with a legal entity is aimed to valorise the results and continue the activities of the TEDDY – European Network of Excellence for Paediatric Clinical Research also in its role of category 1 Network Member of Enpr-EMA (the European Network of Paediatric Research at the European Medicines Agency).

As agreed during the TEDDY Boards Members teleconference held on October 4th, the 2018 TEDDY General Assembly is planned to:

  • share ideas and plans for the future activities of the TEDDY Network,
  • consolidate groups involved in specific paediatric research topics,
  • identify the way in which TEDDY could further serve in disseminating principles and good practices to promote paediatric research.
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How to reach the venue

From the Fiumicino Airport by train

Take the direct train FL1 of Trenitalia from Fiumicino airport to Trastevere station.  Departure of the train is every 20 minutes. Journey time about 20 minutes.

From Trastevere railway Station

Trastevere railway station is 10 minutes walking from the hotel or few stops of bus 3 (get off at Trastevere/Bernardino Da Feltre) or tram 8 (get off at Trastevere/Min. Pubblica Istruzione) . Then turn right on Piazza Bernardino da Feltre and continue along Via degli Orti di Trastevere. After 20 metres walking, Hotel Ripa Roma is on your left.

From Ciampino Airport

Take the Terravision bus, get out at the terminal in Via Marsala and walk until Piazza dei Cinquecento (2 min walking distance). Take bus H and get off in Viale Trastevere at the stop in front of the Ministry of Education, University and Research.  The Hotel Ripa Roma is only 500 metres  walking distance.

From Termini railway Station

Take bus H and get off in Viale Trastevere at the stop in front of the Ministry of Education, University and Research. The Hotel Ripa Roma is only 500 metres  walking distance.

By taxi

You could use the My Taxi or Uber application, that you can easily download from your smartphone. They are cheaper than the normal taxi.